

Times New Plural – The Multiple Temporalities of Contemporary Life and the Infosphere

We might illustrate the infosphere by picturing a person walking down a street in the weather of the day (rain, sun, wind, etc), negotiating traffic, other people, obstacles, using services, all the while with their smartphone; messaging, listening to a podcast, on a video call, checking bus times, etc. This example highlights everyday plural temporalities; as the various activities occurring here include the general time, work time and ‘free’ time, the temporalities of the online network their device is operating within, the device’s battery life, the time of whoever else is being communicated to via messaging or video call, the time(s) of other people around.

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Maximizing Mass-Energy and Information-Energy Equivalences

The concept that information possesses mass carries significant implications for our understanding of the universe. It suggests that the universe is even more enriched with information than previously believed, as the energy required to store information is directly proportional to its mass. This realization expands our perspective on the nature of information and its role in shaping the fabric of reality. Moreover, it has practical implications for future technologies, particularly in the domain of quantum computing.

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Future Applications for Data Storytelling Toolkits

When it comes to translating data as evidence into compelling and memorable arguments, many people need some guidance about how to approach crafting a story. There is great potential for toolkits that would provide such guidance, giving advocates and data analysts tools for communicating data in story form. Data Storytelling is an emerging area in the information sciences, and the term as used here means any form of communication of data that uses narrative strategies or story structures.

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Sustainable Technological Development Planning of Artificial Intelligence-Based Learning Platforms (AILPs)

To date, the selection of AI tools has lagged behind work on other software-specific aspects of modern learning platform development. We designed a novel technology relevance assessment methodology based on an expert Delphi survey and multicriteria analysis. Then, we applied the results to plan further development of the prototype platform and to build its exploitation strategy. The lessons learned while planning and developing this platform can be applied to a large class of similar systems.

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Survey of Smartphone Applications for the Subjective Hearing Disorder of Tinnitus

Tinnitus can affect concentration, sleep, communication and result in heightened stress, anxiety, and depression, but an effective treatment remains elusive. A promising treatment option, one that has the support of experts from various domains, is that of smartphone applications for mitigating tinnitus-related symptoms. To work around the shortcomings of the existing tinnitus apps, we propose implementing improvements from an information science perspective to enhance user experience. 

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