translation: turning research into impacts


Educated Perception: How What We See is Shaped by What We Know (and What We Can Do About It)

An old adage, often attributed to French writer Anaïs Nin, suggests we don’t see things as they are we see things as we are. Using deceptively simple words, the saying suggests that seeing is not just a process where wavelengths are converted to electric impulses that are then processed by the brain in mysterious ways to create what we then believe to see but rather that seeing, to some significant extent, is also a socially shaped and conditioned process, which is why it is relevant to information behavior research.


Generative AI and Copyright Laws: Bridging the Divide

One of the concerns is that Generative AI’s output in response to user prompts often draws from copyrighted works, eliciting a question nowadays: Can the content created by Generative AI qualify for copyright protection itself? Here, we strive to extend our insights into the question.


Unlocking the Universe: Cutting-Edge Approaches to Discovering Extraterrestrial Life

The enduring human quest to understand if we are alone in the universe has driven the development of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) programs. These programs employ a diverse toolkit of techniques aimed at detecting potential technosignatures, or signals indicative of technological activity beyond Earth. Despite these advancements, traditional methods face inherent limitations, particularly regarding the selection of appropriate models to interpret experimental data. Traditional model selection methods often rely on researcher intuition and experience, introducing subjectivity and potential biases. To address these limitations, the Finite Information Quantity (FIQ) approach is presented as an objective solution for model selection. FIQ acknowledges the inherent constraints in information processing capacity within physical systems, providing objective criteria for evaluating different models. By considering comparative uncertainty, FIQ minimizes bias and promotes a more comprehensive understanding of phenomena.


Much of Librarians’ Work Is Invisible, But Do They Want to Conceal What They Do from Us?

Being an expert in information should surely facilitate professional information practices. Librarians are often thought of as experts in searching for information for others, but what about their own ways of finding things out? Given their extensive education in information-related fields, such as information searching and assessment, one might question whether librarians consistently adhere to systematic and planned approaches in their information-seeking, as taught in library schools. Accordingly, we asked 800 Swedish public librarians questions revolving around the kind of information seeking and use they do in their daily work for their own or their work team’s sake.


The Emotional and Informational Lives of More-than-Humans

Living with other species isn’t just about companionship; it involves deep informational connections. Love plays a central role, helping humans and non-human animals understand and care for each other. It helps create meaningful information through daily interactions. Misunderstanding these connections can lead to problems, especially for the animals who have less power in this relationship.


Can Anti-Rumor Campaigns Foster Positive Behavioral Change?

In an age where social media is pervasive and misinformation is rampant, maintaining a healthy online environment is crucial for curbing the spread of unverified rumors. Social media platforms often employ anti-rumor campaigns to foster a positive public atmosphere. However, a fundamental question remains: can these initiatives truly resonate with the public and prompt positive behavioral change? Do such campaigns have the power to influence people’s thoughts and actions in their daily lives?

Frontiers: Reaching Beyond Human Knowledge


Unmasking Health Myths: Crafting Quality Standards Against Online Misinformation and Disinformation.

COVID-19 has become the catalyst of health MIDI (misinformation and disinformation) on the World Wide Web. It is difficult for people to know what to believe. If people act on wrong information, their health may get worse. We need to be ready when the next health emergency comes. We need to know how to find good health information.


Mental Health and Title IX: Challenging Privacy and Transparency

How transparent are universities about mental health resources and student privacy relative to Title IX? What are best practices for information dissemination relative to these resources? What should students know about privacy, transparency, and mental health relative to Title IX?


Endangered Social Media Innovations Part 1: Usenet’s Small World Model Preventing Large Scale Content Manipulation

Yet another troubling development in social media is research that looks at ways to help online discussions stay on-topic and to prevent discussions from descending into exchanges of hostilities.

Opinion: Scholarly Ideas, Scientific Curiosity, Bold Propositions

Social Media Decorative Image

Social Media is Killing Our Tribes

Social media has not helped us build a strong and resilient tribe with diverse skills and resources. It is now simply geared to help us find others that “like” the same things as we do, which is not the connection points for tribes.


In Its 90th Year the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Sidelined Information Professionals: Here’s How You Can Help

In early June, Australia woke to the news that the nation’s public broadcaster (the Australian Broadcasting Corporation) was making its librarians and archivists redundant.


Wikis: A Viable Platform for Supporting Academic Research Operations

Modern collaborative Wiki platforms can be used to support and facilitate the research process, and to provide a starting point for the efficient implementation of a knowledge management system in academic research settings.

Education: Bring Learning and Enlightenment to your Life


Libraries Aren’t Dying—They’re Leading the Tech Revolution

The library is a technological hub where cutting-edge devices are introduced to the world. Contrary to the unpopular rumour, especially prevalent in Africa, that libraries are outdated and librarians’ services are no longer needed, the library is a phoenix that evolves and adapts to the emerging modern world. Today, it is more relevant than ever, especially with the growing digital divide caused by socio-economic disparities, geographical disadvantages, infrastructure inequality, skillset deficiencies, age factors, and more.


From Pictures to Pages: Embarking on New Reading Adventures

Children’s literature plays a pivotal role in early childhood development, serving as a tool for language acquisition, imagination, emotional growth, and cognitive development. A significant milestone in a child’s reading journey is the transition from picture books to chapter books. This shift marks a leap in cognitive abilities, attention span, and engagement with narratives. Understanding this transition helps parents, educators, and authors support young readers during this critical stage.


Cross-Border Collaboration: A Decade of Advancing Tibetan Studies

In 2023, a significant milestone was celebrated as the University of Toronto Libraries and Columbia University Libraries marked a decade of partnership in Tibetan Studies collection development and services. This collaboration stemmed from a shared recognition of Tibetan Studies’ historical marginalization in North America, attributed to factors such as geopolitical complexities and the dominance of mainstream disciplines. Together, the two institutions embarked on a mission to address this disparity, striving to increase access to Tibetan resources and foster interdisciplinary dialogue among scholars on both sides of the border.


Teaching Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities in China: Strategies and Challenges

Individuals with intellectual disabilities require long-term education in specialized schools or institutions due to their unique learning needs and behavioral habits. Teachers with specialized training are essential in their education process. Based on volunteer experience at non-governmental organizations (NGOs) serving individuals with intellectual disabilities, we summarize common teaching strategies employed by teachers and challenges encountered in teaching to present the landscape of special education in China and to enlighten future LIS research.


Alerting the Imagination: Rethinking Triggers in Publishing

In the evolving landscape of literature, ‘triggers’ serve as alerts for potentially distressing content, sparking debates on the delicate balance between reader well-being and freedom of expression. While aiming to create a safer reading experience, ‘triggers’ face criticism for potentially stifling intellectual growth and creative exploration. The ongoing debate questions whether these cautionary measures infringe on artistic expression and personal choice, akin to warning labels on tobacco products.


Read Smart Read Right

The intricate world of reading techniques and the art of reading goes beyond mere consumption. It is an active engagement with information, an intellectual journey, and a means of personal and professional empowerment.

Spanish: Contenido en español


¿Qué significa ser inteligente?

En las últimas dos décadas, la IA ha avanzado a pasos agigantados hasta el punto de que estamos hablando seriamente de que es tan inteligente como los humanos o incluso que los supera. Pero antes de dejarnos llevar demasiado por esa emoción o ese miedo, es importante que miremos hacia dentro y nos preguntemos: ¿qué nos hace inteligentes, conscientes y humanos?


Obsesión con los Robots Asesinos como Autorreflexión

Robots asesinos. Inteligencia artificial distópica. Rebeliones de máquinas. ¿Por qué nos fascina tanto la idea de que nuestros aparatos se vuelvan contra nosotros? En este artículo, desentraño nuestra obsesión con el ascenso de las máquinas y demuestro que gran parte de su atractivo es en realidad la proyección de nuestros propios miedos y dilemas.


Desarrollo de competencias de búsqueda de información en línea en escolares

las competencias para la investigación en línea de los estudiantes en Chile, no necesariamente están suficientemente desarrolladas para abordar sus tareas escolares.

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