interdisciplinary research


Resource “Accessibility” Is More Than Just “Posting It Online”

Not everyone has the time and money to book a flight across the world to look at an artifact in person, so how do researchers with limited funding access one-of-a-kind resources? The Internet is a godsend for collaboration, letting us share photos of ancient pottery fragments, 3D scans of mummified tissue, and create virtual tours of ancient Egyptian tombs. However, sharing becomes a little more complicated when that artifact contains thousands of individual pages in 61 diaries, handwritten by a steamship clerk living in nineteenth-century Iraq. The Svoboda Diaries Project (SDP) focuses on exactly that. For nearly two decades, this project has used new and exciting digital preservation methods and extensive collaboration to make these diaries accessible to everyone.

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Are Female Early-Career Scientists Less Likely to Conduct Interdisciplinary Research?

In recent decades, numerous countries have actively promoted and encouraged interdisciplinary research (hereafter IDR), as it is believed to promote scientific development and innovation. Recent studies have shown that interdisciplinary publications tend to attract more citations and gain higher societal visibility, thus potentially contributing to long-term career development. However, pursuing IDR requires significant time and effort to integrate knowledge from diverse disciplines, and such research may face difficulties in terms of publication and recognition compared to more traditional research. The high risk and uncertainty associated with IDR discouraged many ECSs that are facing “up or out” pressure.

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