
ChatGPT: A Year Later – Examining Experts’ Opinions, Studies, and Public Perception

Since its release over a year ago, ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, has sparked significant interest and debate surrounding the capabilities and implications of AI-powered conversational systems. As time has passed, experts, researchers, and ordinary users have had the opportunity to assess and analyze the impact of ChatGPT in various domains. This article delves into the developments, opinions, studies, and public perception surrounding ChatGPT since its launch, offering a comprehensive overview of the progress made and the challenges that remain. From expert opinions to research studies and the thoughts of ordinary individuals, this article explores the multifaceted perspectives that have emerged over the course of the past year.

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Open AI, ChatGPT: To Be, or Not to Be, That Is the Question

Some consider ChatGPT smarter than humans, some call it destructive technology, and others consider it a great helper for writing scientific and research studies. The world of artificial intelligence shows that it is very exciting and that this technology can help humans at a very high level in any field, a subject that was considered science fiction in the past decades. But now it is a part of reality.

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Using ChatGPT as a Digital/Smart Reference Robot: How May ChatGPT Impact Digital Reference Services?

The emergence of OpenAI Chat technology can replace the human expert because this technology, using machine learning and intelligent algorithms, is able to automatically provide the best answers, which leads to increased productivity and reduced human error. In this study, we will explain to what extent ChatGPT can be used instead of digital services. We answer this question by chatting with ChatGPT.

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