

Librarians Do Not Take a Break from Research

Librarians are the polymaths of this century. They are voracious readers, consuming information from all fields. As information gatekeepers, their engagement in knowledge classification, cataloging, and organization grants them a birthright to know more than others. Librarians help create all professions, but no other profession creates librarians. This is a unique quality that makes librarians stand out and excel among other fields. The secret lies in the fact that librarians never take a break from research.

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Libraries Aren’t Dying—They’re Leading the Tech Revolution

The library is a technological hub where cutting-edge devices are introduced to the world. Contrary to the unpopular rumour, especially prevalent in Africa, that libraries are outdated and librarians’ services are no longer needed, the library is a phoenix that evolves and adapts to the emerging modern world. Today, it is more relevant than ever, especially with the growing digital divide caused by socio-economic disparities, geographical disadvantages, infrastructure inequality, skillset deficiencies, age factors, and more.

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