
Professional Development

Libraries in Transition: Role of Libraries and Librarianship Towards Communities

Libraries are important since the concept came into existence, as they give users the opportunity to gather and access information and data. They also guide and help users to understand and connect with various communities. Libraries have been regarded as repositories of knowledge, providing access to research materials, books, and information sources. Librarians have evolved from merely managing books to becoming dynamic knowledge facilitators, technology guides, and advocates for their communities.

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Bibliotherapy in School and the role of School Librarians

Bibliotherapy is a type of therapy that makes use of literature to assist clients in resolving emotional, interpersonal, or behavioural issues. It is a strategy for using reading to advance mental health and wellbeing. From private consultations with a mental health expert to reading circles facilitated by a school librarian, bibliotherapy can take many different forms. The books used in bibliotherapy are specifically selected to address the issues that the individual or group is dealing with.

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