

Navigating Uncertainty: The Finite Information Quantity Approach to Objective Model Selection in Physics

Accurate measurements of physical processes are essential for scientific research and technological advancement. From subatomic particles to celestial bodies, precise measurements underpin our understanding of the universe and drive innovation. However, selecting the right mathematical model to interpret experimental data can be challenging due to the complexities of real-world phenomena. Traditional model selection methods often rely on researcher intuition and experience, leading to subjectivity and potential biases. In this article, we explore the Finite Information Quantity (FIQ) approach—a novel solution that addresses these limitations.

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Deadly Fiction versus Living Facts: Tackling the Covid-19 Information Virus

The COVID-19 pandemic has tragically claimed the lives of over 7 million people globally. This toll has been exacerbated by widespread suspicions information regarding the origins and transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, leading to the proliferation of false beliefs and conspiracy theories. The dissemination of misinformation and disinformation (MIDI) has further fueled this phenomenon throughout the pandemic.

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Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Information Retrieval Systems

The study aims to comprehensively explore the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on information retrieval systems, analysing the evolution, challenges, and future directions. It explores the role of AI in enhancing search relevance, user experience, and ethical considerations in information retrieval contexts. The findings highlight AI’s transformative capabilities in enhancing relevance, personalisation, and semantic understanding within information retrieval systems. Ethical considerations, such as bias mitigation and data privacy, are also addressed.

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Cybernetic Governance

As rapid technological advancements blur the boundaries between digital and physical worlds, balancing innovation with ethical standards becomes the greatest challenge. The new paradigm of “cybernetic governance” promises innovative regulatory strategies but also raises questions about control and individual freedoms. The article “Cybernetic Governance: Implications of Technology Convergence on Governance Convergence,” explores the pressing need for governance frameworks to adapt in the face of rapid technological advancements.

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A World of Informed Systems

We use to think of information as the content of documents and media. But contemporary physicists and philosophers are also suggesting a generalized meaning of information as any “difference that makes a difference.” In this view, absolute information simply is the fact that things are as they are, instead of being different: elephants are grey rather than red, the Eiffel Tower is squared rather than round, and so on. Such informational perspective may help us understand important aspects in the overall structure of the world, that philosophers try to describe in the sub-discipline called ontology. One such structural aspect is the existence of several major levels of reality, including matter, life, mind and culture.

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Making Sense of Sense-making

“Do you see,” “I hear you,” “It doesn’t feel right,” “I smell a rat,” “it tastes funny”—all common phrases we use to express whether or not we are making sense of our situations and interactions. Sense-making involves not only the five senses, but physical, emotional, spiritual, and intuitional responses. We strive to make better sense of our situations and our dealings with other people as uncertainty makes us anxious.  

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Health Information Craving: A Force to Cyberchondria

Imagine encountering news about COVID-19 for the first time or experiencing unexplained bodily discomfort. Some individuals remain calm, while others instinctively turn to the Internet for answers. However, the digital realm can be both a blessing and a curse. The more information we seek, the greater our anxiety tends to grow. It’s a paradox: the quest for knowledge can inadvertently fuel worry and apprehension.This situation can be described as “cyberchondria”: the compulsive and obsessive health information seeking associated with anxiety, worry, and other negative consequences.

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