

Venture Capital in the US and India: Synergistic Investing—Fireside Chat with Venture Capitalist Sid Mookerji

Listen to Sid Mookerji, Founder and Managing Partner of Silicon Road Ventures, Atlanta, USA, in this episode of InfoFire. A successful entrepreneur turned venture capitalist, Mookerji shares his perspectives on “Venture Capital in the US and India: Synergistic Investing.” Here we chat about a range of issues: Sid’s journey from an entrepreneur to a venture capitalist; the nexus between businesses, VCs, government, and academia; why and how technology and innovation fuel the VC landscape; the India story; and what constitutes a healthy ecosystem for VC, amongst others.

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Deciphering the Genetic Heritage of the People of India: Fireside Chat with Partha Majumder

We are expected (and frequently required) to use socially-visible population labels—whether they are referred to as races, ethnicities, nationalities, or others. However, these labels significantly impact science and society during heightened sectarian tensions worldwide, including in India. A nuanced and scientific understanding of identity and ethnicity matters. Genetic research is closely interlinked with group taxonomies and has profound and unexpected impacts on existing categories of belonging and differences.

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The Changing Information Industry Landscape: Through an Internet Entrepreneur’s Lens—Fireside Chat With Ajit Balakrishnan

In this episode of InfoFire, our guest Ajit Balakrishnan—founder, chairman, and CEO of and an internet industry pioneer in India—chats about technological advancements and social change from a historical perspective before going on to share his enthusiasm about metaverse and optimism about the democratizing impact of technology.

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Building Socio-technical resilience in software development: experiences from The Motivating Jenny Project (Fireside chat with Helen Sharp)

Software systems are not isolated but socio-technical systems (STS) that are components of broader systems with a human, social or organizational purpose. Socio-technical systems are large-scale systems that include but are not limited to software and hardware but also people, processes, and organizational policies.

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The Power and the Pitfalls of Large Language Models: A fireside chat with Ricardo Baeza-Yates.

Have you ever wondered how Google helps you complete your search query by suggesting the next terms of your query? Large Language Models (LLMs) power this feature. But LLMs go beyond that feature. Today, LLMs are used in building AI systems and applications ranging from recognizing speech to writing poetry. They have become very powerful, but there are also pitfalls.

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