Author: Yi Bu


  • Yi Bu

    I am doing research in the application aspect of big data analytics, with a particular focus on scholarly data mining. Specifically, my research endeavors to elucidate the process of knowledge diffusion (e.g., differences between knowledge diffusion of interdisciplinary and unidisciplinary publications), the analysis of scholarly networks and their variants (e.g., co-citation, bibliographic coupling, and some hybrid networks), and bibliometric indicators for research assessment (e.g., citation-based impact indicators). I aim to understand the social dimensions of the global scientific ecosystem by leveraging massive datasets, computational techniques, and social theories.

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跨学科合作连接多个学科的知识、理论、技能、工具、方法,已经成为科研团队之间共享知识、创新思维的重要方式。面对数量日益增多的跨学科学术论文,我们又该如何去精准量化其跨学科性呢?这篇文章从“多样性-均衡性-差异性”三维框架出发,认识到传统方法中人为分配学科框架体系的局限性,提出“主题多样性(Topic... Read more.