Fatima T. Husain is professor of Speech and Hearing Science, affiliated with the Neuroscience Program and is part-time faculty at the Beckman Institute. She holds degrees in computer science and cognitive neuroscience. Prior to joining UIUC, she was a research scientist at National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders, National Institutes of Health. Her research program is centered around three major themes: (1) normal audition and speech perception, (2) disorders of the auditory system, particularly hearing loss, tinnitus, hyperacusis and misophonia and (3) effects of aging on audition and cognition. She uses a multidisciplinary approach combining behavioral, brain imaging, and computational neuro-modeling tools. She has researched and published widely on the neuroscience of hearing disorders and more recently, has led international efforts to consolidate brain imaging data of hearing loss and tinnitus.
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