Author: Gunilla Widén


  • Gunilla Widén

    Gunilla Widén is Professor of Information Studies and currently Vice-rector for Education at Åbo Akademi University. Her research focuses on information behavior, knowledge management, and aspects of social capital and knowledge sharing in groups and organizations. She has led several large research projects, e.g. on individual and organizational key skills in information society, Library 2.0, workplace information literacy, youth information, and trust in information in the context of migration. She has been involved in several collaborative networks both nationally and internationally, appointed as external expert in a number of different evaluation committees, and published widely in her areas of expertise.

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Featured, Translation

Collaborative Interpretation as Craft: Slow Theory Development in Library and Information Science

Within Library and Information Science (LIS), theory development has typically prioritised the use of theory rather than its construction as well as the work of... Read more.