Zhongyun (Phil) Zhou is an Associate Professor in the School of Economics and Management at Tongji University and Professor of Special Appointment (Eastern Scholar) at Shanghai Institutions of Higher Learning. He holds two Ph.D. degrees from University of Science and Technology of China and City University of Hong Kong. His current research interest focuses on the usage and impacts of emerging digital technologies (e.g., social media, mobile technologies, artificial intelligence, blockchain, data analytics, and the Metaverse) for sustainable development. His papers appear in renowned journals such as Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of Business Ethics, European Journal of Information Systems, Information & Management, Decision Support Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, and others. He serves on the editorial board for such journals as Information Systems Journal (Associate Editor and Guest Co-Editor for a special issue), Information Technology and People (Senior Editor), and Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (Associate Editor). He has received numerous awards including the Chinese Information Economy Society’s Youth Innovation Award and International Consortium for E-Business’s Best Paper Award.
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