A Round-Up of Holiday Gifts from INFIDEOS
A Round-Up of Holiday Gifts from INFIDEOS
Jenna Hartel
In mid-December of each year, my YouTube channel, INFIDEOS, gives a gift to its subscribers and viewers. These multimedia creations are freely available to everyone in Information Science and are especially suited for students of the field. Now in its fourth year of operation, the INFIDEOS’ holiday presents have piled up! Here is a survey for anyone new to the Information Matters community, in case you have missed these treats:
- Information Science Puzzles and More activity book (2021)
- Information Science Macareindeer video (2022) with an educational Worksheet
- The video series and virtual vacation, Archipelago of Information Science (2023)
- The Silent Foundation Information Behavior Coloring Book (see this video) (2024)
INFIDEOS is committed to disseminating the big ideas of Information Science in accessible and outrageously playful formats. Thanks to the Information Matters editorial team and worldwide readers for their support over the years, and Happy Holidays to all lovers of Information Science!

Hartel, J. Information Science Macareindeer. (2022, December 12). Information Matters, Vol. 2, Issue 12. https://informationmatters.org/2022/12/information-science-macareindeer/
Hartel, J. INFIDEOS’ 2023 holiday gift to information science. (2023, December 11). Information Matters, Vol. 3, Issue 11. https://informationmatters.org/2023/12/infideos-2023-holiday-gift-to-information-science/
Hartel, J. Surfacing the ‘Silent Foundation.’ (2024, December 12). Information Matters, Vol. 4, Issue 12. https://informationmatters.org/2024/12/surfacing-the-silent-foundation/
Cite this article in APA as: Hartel, J. A Round-Up of Holiday Gifts from INFIDEOS (2024, December 16). Information Matters, Vol. 4, Issue 12. https://informationmatters.org/2024/12/a-round-up-of-holiday-gifts-from-infideos/
I am an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Information, University of Toronto. As an interdisciplinary social scientist devoted to the field of Library and Information Science (LIS), I conduct research in three related areas: 1) information and the "higher things in life" that are pleasurable and profound; 2) visual and creative research methods; and 3) the history and theory of LIS. In the Master of Information program at the Faculty of Information, I mostly teach graduate students in the Library and Information Science concentration. Both my research and teaching aim to be an imaginative forms of intervention in the field of LIS, through unorthodox projects such as Metatheoretical Snowman, Welcome to Library and Information Science, and the iSquare Research Program. See my website at jennahartel.info or my YouTube Channel, INFideos.
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