






我们招募了32名学生作为被试参与用户实验。被试需要完成一系列与日常健康信息相关的搜索任务。我们将用户的交互行为分成搜索(Search)、阅读(Read)、写作(Write)三种主要的交互类型,描述了搜索、阅读、写作在任务完成过程中的模式和演变,提出了搜索进度模型(Search Pace ModelSPM),以此描述在不同阶段之中用户如何进行搜索交互。搜索路径模型如图1所示,主要包括三个子过程:探索、积累和写作/报告。




搜索者在任务完成过程中会经历不同的子过程,从探索到积累再到写作/报告。然而,这个过程可能是存在迭代的,搜索者可能在不同的子过程之间移动,对于复杂任务而言更是如此。关于该模型的更多细节可以在我们的JIS论文中找到:Characterising users’
task completion process in learning-related tasks: A search pace model. Journal
of Information Science.


APA引用格式: Liu, C & Song, X. (2022, August 18). Characterizing a complex searching process: A search pace model. Information Matters, Vol. 2, Issue 8.描述复杂搜索过程:搜索进度模型/


  • Chang Liu

    Dr. Chang Liu is an associate professor in the Department of Information Management, Peking University. She obtained a PhD in Library and Information Science from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey in USA. Her research lies in Information Behavior, Interactive Information Retrieval, Personalization of Information Retrieval, and recently, she has been working on Search as Learning. She has published more than 100 articles in academic journals and conferences in Library and Information Science and information retrieval in either English or Chinese, including key journals: JASIS&T, IP&M, JIS, FnTIR, ASIS&T, iConference, SIGIR, CHIIR, CIKM, JCDL, etc. Dr. Liu has been served on the Editorial Board of Information Processing & Management, Education for Information, and Information Matters.

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  • Xiaoxuan Song

Chang Liu

Dr. Chang Liu is an associate professor in the Department of Information Management, Peking University. She obtained a PhD in Library and Information Science from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey in USA. Her research lies in Information Behavior, Interactive Information Retrieval, Personalization of Information Retrieval, and recently, she has been working on Search as Learning. She has published more than 100 articles in academic journals and conferences in Library and Information Science and information retrieval in either English or Chinese, including key journals: JASIS&T, IP&M, JIS, FnTIR, ASIS&T, iConference, SIGIR, CHIIR, CIKM, JCDL, etc. Dr. Liu has been served on the Editorial Board of Information Processing & Management, Education for Information, and Information Matters.