The Crossroads of INFORMATION & LOVE
The Crossroads of
A Top 10 List
(Valentine to Information Science)
Jenna Hartel
In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, or simply to celebrate our shared humanity, this short video brings together two of my favorite concepts: INFORMATION and LOVE.
At the beginning, you may have no idea who or what exists at such an intersection. As the video unfolds, I suspect you will think, “Oh yeah! Of course….” By the end, other information and love combinations beyond these may have come to mind. Kindly place such ideas in the comments below for all to enjoy. Of note, there were originally 20 iLove (!) or alternatively LovInf (!), combos on my list and it was difficult to limit the video to just 10.
The purpose of this multimedia Valentine is to entertain, uplift, and inform students, educators, researchers, in Information Science and its related professions. Another goal, like all my INFIDEOS, is to bring more spacious, artful, emotionally resonant, sensual, playful, and organic ideas, motifs, and melodies to the Information Science conversation. Feel free to circulate this video to students, Faculty, family, friends, and other social worlds. Educators could share it in their classes during the next week, and invite students (working alone or in small groups), to come up with other relevant INFORMATION & LOVE confluences.
Of note, Valentine’s Day was originally a Christian feast day honoring the martyr, St. Valentine, but today is mainly a minor secular holiday, celebrated on February 14, in which people express love and affection for those they hold dear.

Cite this article in APA as: Hartel, J. (2022, February 7). The crossroads of
information & love. Information Matters, Vol. 2, Issue 2.